Terms and Conditions

According to AMC1 SPA.HOFO.115 regarding Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, helicopter operators should provide details for helidecks – a helideck directory.

“(a) The operations manual (OM) relating to the specific usage of offshore helicopter landing areas (Part C for CAT operators) should contain, or make reference to, a directory of helidecks (helideck directory (HD)) intended to be used by the operator. The directory should provide details of helideck limitations and a pictorial representation of each offshore location and its helicopter landing area, recording all necessary information of a permanent nature and using a standardised template. The HD entries should show, and be amended as necessary, the most recent status of each helideck concerning non-compliance with applicable national standards, limitations, warnings, cautions or other comments of operational importance.”

helideck.directory provides a free-of-charge platform to make Helicopter Information Templates (HIT), inspection certificates, hoist area information and other publication references (e.g. NfL references) available for helicopter operators or other interested users.

Terms and Conditions

helideck.directory provides various information services on the portal. Such services may be e.g. the making available of data, documents, information and other content (hereinafter collectively referred to as “content”).

The content available on the portal is provided mainly from aerodrome, windfarm and vessel operators or other third parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as “participants”). Contents of the participants as well as other third parties, such as e.g. helideck, hoist area or windfarm information, are hereinafter collectively referred to as “third-party content”.

helideck.directory does not guarantee the constant availability of the portal. In all other respects, a claim to the use of the services available on the portal exists only within the scope of the technical and operational possibilities of the provider. The provider strives to ensure that its services are as uninterrupted as possible. However, temporary restrictions or interruptions may occur due to technical faults (such as interruption of the power supply, hardware and software errors, technical problems in the data lines).

The provider is entitled at any time to change services provided free-of-charge on the portal, to make new services available free-of-charge or for a fee and to discontinue the provision of free services. The provider will consider the legitimate interests of the participants in each case.

The content available on helideck.directory is protected by copyright or other property rights and is the property of the provider or third parties who have provided the respective content.

The compilation of the contents as such may be protected as a database or database work within the meaning of §§ 4 (2), 87a (1) UrhG.

The visitor or user of helideck.directory may only use this content in accordance with these terms and conditions of participation and use as well as within the framework specified on the portal.

The participant declares and guarantees to the provider that the information provided by him is complete, correct and up-to-date.

helideck.directory does not check third-party content for completeness, correctness and legality and therefore assumes no responsibility or guarantee for the completeness, correctness, legality, timeliness of the third-party content. This also applies regarding the quality of the third-party content and its suitability for a specific purpose, and insofar as it concerns third-party content on linked external websites.

The provider reserves the right to refuse the posting of content and/or to edit or remove already posted content without prior notice, provided that the posting of the content leads to a violation of the provision agreed in this regulation and the provider gains positive knowledge of it. The same applies to content that does not meet the standards as referred to in the applicable EASA AMC.

By providing the content to be made available on helideck.directory, the participant grants the provider a free and transferable right of use to the respective content, in particular for the storage of the content on the server of the provider as well as its publication, in particular its making available to the public (e.g. by displaying the content on the portal), for processing and duplication, insofar as this is necessary for the provision or publication of the respective contents.

If the participant requests the content posted on helideck.directory to be removed, the right of use and exploitation granted to the provider above expires. However, the provider remains entitled to keep copies made for backup and/or verification purposes.

Right of use of content available on the portal

Participants, visitors and users of helideck.directory may access, display, print and save the content available on the portal online.

It is prohibited to remove or change copyright notices, logos and other marks or protective notices.

Participants and other third parties are only entitled to download content and to print out content if a possibility to download or print out on the portal is available as a functionality. The content duly downloaded or printed by participants and other third parties will be granted an unlimited and non-exclusive right of use for their own, non-commercial purposes, i.e. this data may not be made available to third parties for a fee. In all other respects, all rights to the content remain with the original rights holder (the participant or the respective operator).

Prohibited Activities

Participants are prohibited from any activities on or in connection with the portal that violate applicable law, violate the rights of third parties or violate the principles of youth protection. In particular, you are prohibited from the following actions:

  • providing, distributing, offering and promoting pornographic content, services and/or products that violates youth protection laws, data protection law and/or other laws and/or fraudulently;
  • the use of content that insults or delandies other participants or third parties;
  • the use, provision and distribution of content, services and/or products that are protected by law or encumbered with the rights of third parties (e.g. copyrights) without being expressly entitled to do so.

Should the participant become aware of an illegal, abusive, non-contractual or otherwise unauthorized use of the portal, he must inform the provider. The provider will then review the process and, if necessary, take appropriate steps.

If there is a suspicion of illegal or criminal acts, the provider is entitled and, if necessary, also obliged to review the provided information of the participant and, if necessary, to take appropriate legal action. This may also include the forwarding of facts to the public prosecutor’s office.

The provider may temporarily or permanently block the participants possibility to provide information on helideck.directory if there are concrete indications that he violates these terms and conditions of participation and use and/or applicable law or if the provider has another legitimate interest in blocking it. When deciding on a blocking, the provider will take due account of the legitimate interests of the participant.

In the event of temporary or permanent blocking, the provider shall notify him of this by e-mail.

In the event of a temporary blocking, the provider reactivates the information after expiry of the blocking period and notifies the participant of this by e-mail. Permanently blocked participants are permanently excluded from participating in the portal and may not provide information through the portal again.